Stockopedia Companies & Markets podcast 20/12/24: Takeovers, £100m whisky, and decoding stock market jargon
Stocks covered included: IHP, INSG, SHOE, ART, NXT, GAW, $BRK, $CGNX + our thoughts on accounting buzzwords.
I regularly take part in podcasts discussing UK shares and other topics of interest to UK private investors.
Stocks covered included: IHP, INSG, SHOE, ART, NXT, GAW, $BRK, $CGNX + our thoughts on accounting buzzwords.
Paul Hill and I talk about UK shares of interest and field live questions from listeners! Including #BRBY #SQZ #JHD #PAGE #TPFG #PAY #MBH #RWS #RS1 #ECEL #SOM #BATS #TRIG #CLIG
Graham Neary, Mark Simpson and I discuss UK shares Property Franchise Group (& Belvoir), plus packaging group Macfarlane and groundworks specialist Van Elle Holdings.
Mark Simpson, Graham Neary and I discuss UK shares including MoneySupermarket, Ramsdens Holdings and asset managers Ashmore, Polar Capital and Premier Miton.
Paul Hill and I chat live about UK shares and take questions from viewers. Stocks covered #RMV #MONY #HTG #RIO #RWS #SDY #TIFS #PAY #MER #IOM #SUS #CHG #TCAP #IGG #AVCT #SUPR #VLG #OCN #LLAI
Mark Simpson, Graham Neary and I discuss UK shares Burberry, Next, Airea, and National World.
Paul Hill and I talk about UK shares on our radar and field live questions from listeners! Lots of interesting stocks covered in this discussion.
Graham Neary, Mark Simpson and I discuss the investment prospects of Hargreaves Lansdown, Close Brothers, Plus500 and Jet2.
Graham Neary, Mark Simpson and I talk vaping and UK shares, and discuss how we analyse company accounts.
I've recorded several new podcasts over the last month, covering topics including Hargreaves Lansdown, Quartix, Focusrite, Strix - and the difficult topic of company valuation.
Maynard Paton, Bruce Packard, Mark Simpson and myself enjoy a lively four-way debate about shares and discuss our approach to asset allocation.
Founder ownership, 40% profit margins and super cash generation. Maynard and I debate the attractions of investment platform IntegraFin (LON:IHP) and explain why it's different to AJ Bell and Hargreaves Lansdown.
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