New stock #2: another new share for my dividend portfolio

I'm maxing out my trading policy this month by buying a second new share for my model dividend portoflio.

New stock #2: another new share for my dividend portfolio
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Welcome back to my weekly newsletter. There's plenty to cover this week, as I've decided to replace a second stock in my portfolio at the end of September.

In this update I'll reveal which stock I'm selling and discuss the company I've chosen to replace it.

2 new stocks

Last week I introduced a new FTSE 250 share I'm planning to buy to replace healthcare software group EMIS, which is being taken over. You can read my full write-up here:

I've also decided to sell and replace a second share in the model portfolio. This is a more subjective decision. I'm selling because I feel that the company concerned has changed to such an extent that my original investment thesis no longer makes sense.

Subscribers can find out the name of the company I'm selling and full details of the AIM-listed company I'm buying to replace it in the section below.

As usual, I'll make both of these trades on the final market day of the month, which will be 29 September 2023.

My paid service provides full access to my model dividend portfolio. Subscribers also get full coverage of portfolio company results and details of all my portfolio trades. Signup today for immediate access.

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