Portfolio shares: is it the right time to buy Burberry?
I explain why FTSE 100 luxury fashion group Burberry (LON:BRBY) is a member of my quality dividend model portfolio.
I explain why FTSE 100 luxury fashion group Burberry (LON:BRBY) is a member of my quality dividend model portfolio.
In my 2024 dividend portfolio review, I report an inflation-beating cash income, discuss changes to the portfolio and consider the key financial metrics I monitor.
Stocks covered included: IHP, INSG, SHOE, ART, NXT, GAW, $BRK, $CGNX + our thoughts on accounting buzzwords.
I review the latest results from two portfolio shares with attractive dividend yields. Plus details of a new AIM stock I'm buying - and a FTSE 250 holding I'm planning to top up.
Results from my dividend portfolio companies in November had a FTSE 350 bias and included two top performers, a problem stock and a company planning to split itself up.
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